December Decluttering

December Decluttering...It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Wait! Don’t go running away just yet, hear us out. We know this time of year is busy, and you can just wait a few months and do it in the spring like everyone else. But what better way to start the new year? Set yourself up for success (and less mess) by taking some time to shed the unnecessary. Did we mention that homes that are decluttered sell 80% faster than those that aren’t? If you aren’t in the position to sell right now, it’s ok, we did our best to keep the list short and sweet.

Here are a few things to leave behind in 2018:

1. Anything you’ve been meaning to donate

You know those boxes of home items you never unpacked when you moved? Or that bag (or, ahem, bags) of clothing sitting in your basement that never quite seem to make it to Goodwill? Now is the time to follow through, and just drop it off. Clearing unwanted items out is a good way to pay it forward and allow someone else the chance to enjoy them. And better yet, it may qualify you for a tax deduction, as long as you donate before the last day of 2018. Be sure to check the current tax laws to see what will actual qualify.

2. Late model gadgets

While your iPod from college, or your cell phone from 2010 may evoke a case of the warm and fuzzies, they are just collecting dust in a drawer. So breathe easy, then choose how to dispose of these devices. Throwing them in the trash is not the right answer. Do a quick google search (I mean, you are already on the Internet…) and see what donation or recycling options are available in your area.

3. Old paperwork

Instruction manuals, doctor visit printed summary, credit card statements...get rid of it all! If you’re worried that you may need the instructions for the coffee maker you got two years ago for that one time you want to make “fancy coffee” I can almost guarantee that you will find it online. To clear room for paperwork you’ll acquire in the new year that you may actually really need to keep like birth certificates, and car registration. So for anything that you can find online, say goodbye. If you are recycling any items that have personal information on them, be sure to shred them first.

4. Trendy clothes and accessories

Throwing out your entire wardrobe and starting over isn’t really an option for most of us. However, hanging onto items that you bought for a special occasion or because it what the style of the week is just silly. Don’t let unused clothing items clog up the coveted closet space. Ditch anything that doesn’t fit, is damaged, you don’t absolutely love, or haven’t worn at least in the past year. These rules should be applied to clothes, undergarments, purses, shoes, and jewelry.

5. Medicine cabinet

If you are reading this article, you are old enough to know when to clean out your medicine cabinet. Expired over-the-counter medicines, make up from three years ago, and old unused perfumes are not welcome. Not only are you losing out on valuable real estate in your cabinet, they may even be unsafe to use. So toss the old skincare and make-up items into the garbage, and find a local collection site for your expired medications.

6. Expired food

Gross that we even have to have this conversation. But, in preparation for the new year take a pass through your fridge and throw out all outdated condiments and any science experiments being conducted in the forgotten Tupperware in the back corner. But don’t stop sure to make your rounds in the freezer and in your pantry. You do know that spices expire too, right?

Now get out there and show that clutter who’s boss!